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Fibonacci and Lucas
ratios Lucas
1/ 1.0 1/ 1.0
1 1
1/ 0.5 1/ 0.3333333333333
2 3
2/ 0.6666666666667 3/ 0.75
3 4
3/ 0.6 4/ 0.5714285714286
5 7
5/ 0.625 7/ 0.6363636363636
8 11
8/ 0.6153846153846 11/ 0.6111111111111
13 18
13/ 0.6190476190476 18/ 0.6206896551724
21 29
21/ 0.6176470588235 29/ 0.6170212765957
34 47
34/ 0.6181818181818 47/ 0.6184210526316
55 76
55/ 0.6179775280899 76/ 0.6178861788618
89 123
89/ 0.6180555555556 123/ 0.6180904522613
144 199
144/ 0.618025751073 199/ 0.6180124223602
233 322
233/ 0.6180371352785 322/ 0.6180422264875
377 521
377/ 0.6180327868852 521/ 0.6180308422301
610 843
610/ 0.6180344478217 843/ 0.6180351906158
987 1364
987/ 0.6180338134001 1364/ 0.6180335296783
1597 2207
1597/ 0.6180340557276 2207/ 0.6180341640997
2584 3571
2584/ 0.6180339631667 3571/ 0.6180339217722
4181 5778
4181/ 0.6180339985218 5778/ 0.6180340143331
6765 9349
6765/ 0.6180339850174 9349/ 0.6180339789780
10946 15127
10946/ 0.6180339901756 15127/ 0.6180339924824
17711 24476
17711/ 0.6180339882053 24476/ 0.6180339873242
28657 39603
28657/ 0.6180339889579 39603/ 0.6180339892945
46368 64079
46368/ 0.6180339886704 64079/ 0.6180339885419
75025 103682
75025/ 0.6180339887802 103682/ 0.6180339888293
121393 167761
121393/ 0.6180339887383 167761/ 0.6180339887195
196418 271443
196418/ 0.6180339887543 271443/ 0.6180339887615
317811 439204
317811/ 0.6180339887482 439204/ 0.6180339887455
514229 710647
514229/ 0.6180339887505 710647/ 0.6180339887516
832040 1149851
832040/ 0.6180339887496 1149851/ 0.6180339887492
1346269 1860498
1346269/ 0.6180339887500 1860498/ 0.6180339887501
2178309 3010349
Fibonacci with reciprocals
Lucas with reciprocals
True Gravity Numbers

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