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Fibonacci ratios and reciprocals
ratios Fibonacci
1/ 1.0 1/ 1.0
1 1
1/ 0.5 2/ 2.0
2 1
2/ 0.6666666666667 3/ 1.5
3 2
3/ 0.6 5/ 1.6666666666667
5 3
5/ 0.625 8/ 1.6
8 5
8/ 0.6153846153846 13/ 1.625
13 8
13/ 0.6190476190476 21/ 1.6153846153846
21 13
21/ 0.6176470588235 34/ 1.6190476190476
34 21
34/ 0.6181818181818 55/ 1.6176470588235
55 34
55/ 0.6179775280899 89/ 1.6181818181818
89 55
89/ 0.6180555555556 144/ 1.6179775280899
144 89
144/ 0.618025751073 233/ 1.6180555555556
233 144
233/ 0.6180371352785 377/ 1.618025751073
377 233
377/ 0.6180327868852 610/ 1.6180371352785
610 377
610/ 0.6180344478217 987/ 1.6180327868852
987 610
987/ 0.6180338134001 1597/ 1.6180344478217
1597 987
1597/ 0.6180340557276 2584/ 1.6180338134001
2584 1597
2584/ 0.6180339631667 4181/ 1.6180340557276
4181 2584
4181/ 0.6180339985218 6765/ 1.6180339631667
6765 4181
6765/ 0.6180339850174 10946/ 1.6180339985218
10946 6765
10946/ 0.6180339901756 17711/ 1.6180339850174
17711 10946
17711/ 0.6180339882053 28657/ 1.6180339901756
28657 17711
28657/ 0.6180339889579 46368/ 1.6180339882053
46368 28657
46368/ 0.6180339886704 75025/ 1.6180339889579
75025 46368
75025/ 0.6180339887802 121393/ 1.6180339886704
121393 75025
121393/ 0.6180339887383 196418/ 1.6180339887802
196418 121393
196418/ 0.6180339887543 317811/ 1.6180339887383
317811 196418
317811/ 0.6180339887482 514229/ 1.6180339887543
514229 317811
514229/ 0.6180339887505 832040/ 1.6180339887482
832040 514229
832040/ 0.6180339887496 1346269/ 1.6180339887505
1346269 832040
1346269/ 0.6180339887500 2178309/ 1.6180339887496
2178309 1346269
The above are the golden numbers winding along the self-refining path. All additive series collect on the spiral. The Fibonacci and Lucas numbers are simply the most direct manifestations of the spiral. This is the esoteric knowledge of phi as displayed in the pyramid of Giza. The spiral manifests itself in a multitude of natural phenomenon. Some examples are: Spiral galaxies, the arrangement of sunflower seeds, the phylotaxis of plants leaves, reproductive rates of rabbits, hurricanes, the double helix of human DNA, fossilized ammonites, pinecones, dying poinsettia leaf, etc.

It is this authors belief that all mass in motion, as the subject of time, tends to manifest itself as a refining curve. This is the "how" of balancing the center of swing with the periphery of swing. This does not explain "orbit" per se; it explains the movement from non-orbit to orbit.

Fibonacci and Lucas side by side
Lucas with reciprocals
True Gravity Numbers

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